Just another Binusian blog site
29 Nov
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can teach themselves to grow and change when exposed to new data.
This makes them very useful, especially in handling data on a large scale that would be impossible to be handled manually by human alone. All of these things mean it’s possible to quickly and automatically produce models that can analyze bigger, more complex data and deliver faster, more accurate results – even on a very large scale. And these resulted in high-value predictions that can guide better decisions and smart actions in real time without any human intervention needed.
Machine learning have many useful uses, the example such as to display recommended items for the user on an online shop based on the user’s previous browsed items, and also to display recommended videos on video hosting sites based on the user’s interests. This will ease the user on browsing the site because the AI will provide the contents that the user is interested in automatically.
Kevin Yorendi
Odd Semester 2016/2017
School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University
23 Sep
In the middle of Academic Orientation, on 12th September I attended HTTP 2015. HTTP is the acronym of HIMTI Togetherness and Top Performance. This event in a nutshell is basically just a concert held by the HIMTI. And the duration is sooooo long… From the start we depart by bus provided by the HIMTI. And it’s on 06.30! The event started on 09.00, so I waited a little long there. For the time being I visited some of the application showcase there
And for food we must buy it from the stand provided there. And it’s rather expensive. I thought the food were provided by the team for free! The ticket was priced 150k so I was rather disappointed. Ok I look again in the ticket and it turns out that they just provided free lunch, not breakfast. Ok…
Then on 9.00 the event started, but it’s actually not started yet… we just watch a movie there for some time until they decided to start it. Ok. The event started. HIMTI Band showed up showing some song. I sat on the balcony. And god that stage ligthing is so dazzling in the eye. It would be nice if those lights were altered a little bit higher so it didn’t project lightning right into the eye of the audience in the balcony! After some show for 2 hours, we took a break. Half an hour, the show started again. This time with the talk show about Enterpreneurship. And after 2 hours I guess? we took a break again.
Then another half an hour the show started again. This time with some sort of Drama show from HIMTI team. And the drama is rather long… about 2 hours I guess? Then another break. Another half an hour. The event started again. This time with all the seats disappeared. Apparently this session is about dancing. It’s not my thing. So I just sit in the back with some of my friends. After that it finally ended, in 6.00PM. Then we proceed to the exit, being given some merchandise. Then proceed to the bus to go back to Anggrek.
23 Sep
From 7th September until 17 September, we have the academic orientation session. This session basically is a simulation of a real campus life before we will experience it. The class in this session is just algorithm class. We were taught the basics of algorithm and also the basics of C programming language. And on this class, my tutor is Mr. Julian. He’s still very young. But he could teach properly.
On 16th September, the session is just some presentation in the auditorium about the curriculum. And it’s very boring to be honest and I actually fell asleep.
And on 17th September, we attended an exam about the basics algorithm. And it was very hard to be honest. For some reason my score is 0 even after i submit the correct program that runs the answer correctly.
After this exam we attended some short presentation about “Support Center for Your Success”. When this presentation ended, I go to attend Associate Member Test. Hopefully I could join them.
23 Sep
This day, we held our session on Syahdan… and this day what we do is just attending to Binus EXPO . The EXPO mainly consists of students organization recruiting members. We also bought HTTP ticket there. And after the EXPO ended, we go to Syahdan’s hall to begin the FEP’s closing day. In this ceremony we showed our class’s yell-yell.
It’s been a long 5 days….. and the FEP finally ended…. after this what’s left is just Academic Orientation and HTTP…..
23 Sep
Nothing special on this two days…. We just go to some presentation…. introduced to Binusmaya….. and then go to religion session….
also we practice our yell-yell as usual
To be honest it feels rather boring…
23 Sep
This day, we just go to the Auditorium and that’s it. But we go to Anggrek earlier to practice our yell-yell that will be used on saturday. And the problem is, I got called by my BC and it turns out that im supposed to be on DBN02 class, not DBN10…. duh…. So I get a new FEP card accompanied by BC. That makes me late to go to the auditorium. And I sit there alone in the back because I was late. After that we go to class to practice yell-yell again. And I go to DBN02… so I felt awkward there…. so much for the second day…
23 Sep
18 August. Today the FEP session has started… Actually this is the fourth shift of the FEP. I began my FEP session on the DBN10 class. The first event is on Syahdan. And the first day is just for briefing, so it didnt take much time. After the session ended, I and some of my classmate, accompained by our BC’s(Buddy Coordinator) go to Anggrek to make our Binusian Flazz Card. And god…. there’s so many people that have to make flazz card too. So the queue is so long. So I, my classmate, and our BC went to eat first. Then we went back to Anggrek. After that, we just wait a little more, and our Flazz card are done.
14 Sep
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